American Family Association

by R. Burge

The AFA reports that Anita Dunn will be stepping down as White House Communication Director.  Dunn is largely responsible for the back and forth battle between Fox News and the Obama administration.

The AFA also passes along a story about a British designer who aims to turn a placenta into a teddy bear.

Finally, they embed a video of Fox News celebrating the birthday of the Marine corps.


American Family Association

by R. Burge

A post today by the AFA includes a quote from President Obama where he indicated that Democrats are not beholden to their political party while Republicans “Do what they’re told.”  The AFA responds with: “Has Obama been living under a rock for the past couple months? What does he think the whole TEA party movement was? The driving force behind the TEA parties was Republicans who were bucking the leadership of the GOP.”

The AFA also directs it readership to a new ad featuring celebrities in favor of health care reform.

Another post quotes White House Communications Director Anita Dunn in reference to the Obama campaign controlling the media during the general election.

The AFA reports the low approval rating for Speaker of the House Pelosi, polling at just 34% favorable by Californians.

Finally, the AFA reports a back and forth between ABC News’ Jake Tapper and White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs about the media bias displayed by Fox News.

American Family Association

by R. Burge

A post highlights recent statements by White House Communications Director Anita Dunn in which she praises Communist Leader Mao Tse Tsung. This is echoed in a different post by the AFA.

Another post by David P. Smith argues that Americans are leaving the only true God for the government god.

The AFA also reemphasizes the recent spat between the Obama White House and the Fox News channel by embedding a video of comments by David Axlerod over the weekend.

Another post comments on recent statements by Obama Adivsor Robert Reich. In this remarks Robert Reich apparently lays out the harsh true of health care reform- namely that young people will pay more than their share and older Americans will not receive the best drugs and technology.

Recent poll numbers show that Hillary Clinton is now more popular than Barack Obama.

Finally, the AFA publishes supposed leaks from the Nobel Peace Prize committee in which the majority of the voting body were opposed to Pres. Obama receiving the award.