Center for Moral Clarity

by R. Burge

In an email sent out today by the CMC they take on two topics.

First, they address  the recent passage of hate crimes legislation, calling it “a useless, senseless, unnecessary law,” that “will embolden legislative demands of [the] homosexual movement.” The CMC theorizes about the passage of the bill saying, “[it’s] payback for the homosexual activists who backed the current congressional leadership and President Obama.”

Second, the CMC educates their readership on the current state of health care reform. The current version of the health reform bill includes federal funding for abortions, an idea that the CMC is totally opposed to. However, they contend that passing health care reform of any kind is more important to Congressional leaders than making sure abortions are federally funded. The CMC believes that if enough resistance is offered against abortion funding, it would be dropped from the final proposal.


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